星子县横塘镇晨祺服装厂星子县庐秀羽绒制衣厂是一家专业生产羽绒服、防寒服以及各类羽绒马甲的企业.主导产品是“庐秀”牌羽绒马甲。 我公司坐落在庐山南麓,鄱阳湖畔,环境优美怡人,地理位置优越,昌九高速公路.105国道.京九铁路穿境而过,交通便利。 自1995年建厂以来,我厂不断强化管理体制、坚持“以人为本”的原则、大胆借鉴先进的管理经验、不断完善各项机制、为企业的持续发展打下了坚实的基础。 我厂长期以来以品质生产赢得市场确认、以“追求完美”为目标、守信誉、重服务、本着互惠互利的原则、将更广泛地与海内外服装界的朋友、客商、精诚合作、共同发展! The Xingzi County Lu Xiu feather clothing factory is a specialized production down clothing, the coldproof clothing as well as each kind of feather waistcoat's enterprise. The leading product is “lu Xiu” feather waistcoat Our company is situated south Mt. Lushan the foothill, the Poyang lakeside, prosperous nine highway .105 federal highways. The Beijing-Kowlon railway puts on the boundary. Has put up a factory since 1995, my factory strengthens the management system, to insist unceasingly “humanist” the principle, has built the solid foundation for enterprise's sustained development. My factory in line with mutually beneficial interaction principle, widely and everywhere clothing's friend, merchant, absolute sincerity cooperation, communal development!
- 所在地区:江西省九江市星子县
- 行业分类:服装及其他纤维制品制造业
- 地址:江西省 九江市 中国 江西 星子县 江西省九江市横塘镇
- 邮编:332800